We Are a Friendly Church – Come and See!

Being Christian is a serious thing – but not a solemn one
And should reflect the love of God – through Christ –
His Beloved Son:
So, not with doom and gloom – furrowed deeply on each face
But loving, sharing, with compassion, caring and use of God given grace.

Oh! ’Tis easy to find this sort of strength and put it into use.
When people respond or reflect it – but what if they refuse?
And we are faced with barriers of doubt and hate – built high.
Oh! ’Tis then – so human – to give an angry reply!

But, stop quietly and consider the depth of God’s love for you.
The strength of the Holy Spirit (our comforter – ever true).
And remember all the faults and sins, each one of them forgiven
And give again – the friendly smile – that little touch of heaven.

Not through our strength – lest we forget how inadequate we are
But through the love of God’s Son Jesus, our brightest shining star!